Nux 1.6


add(int) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
add(int[], int, int) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Appends the elements in the range [offset..offset+length) to the end of this list.
addField(String, String, Analyzer) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method; Tokenizes the given field text and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding a tokenized, indexed, termVectorStored, unstored, non-keyword Lucene Field.
addField(String, TokenStream) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Iterates over the given token stream and adds the resulting terms to the index; Equivalent to adding a tokenized, indexed, termVectorStored, unstored, Lucene Field.
analyze(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymMap
Analyzes/transforms the given word on input stream loading.
AnalyzerUtil - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Various fulltext analysis utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
ArrayIntList - Class in nux.xom.binary
Efficient resizable auto-expanding list holding int elements; implemented with arrays.
ArrayIntList() - Constructor for class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Constructs an empty list.
ArrayIntList(int) - Constructor for class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.
asArray() - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Returns the elements currently stored, including invalid elements between size and capacity, if any.


BinaryParsingException - Exception in nux.xom.binary
An exception indicating corrupt binary XML data on deserialization input to a BinaryXMLCodec.
BinaryXMLBench - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Extensively benchmarks bnux and other parsing/serialization models; to be run via build.xml ant tasks.
BinaryXMLCodec - Class in nux.xom.binary
Serializes (encodes) and deserializes (decodes) XOM XML documents to and from an efficient and compact custom binary XML data format (termed bnux format), without loss or change of any information.
BinaryXMLCodec() - Constructor for class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Constructs an instance; An instance can be reused serially, but is not thread-safe, just like a Builder.
BinaryXMLConverter - Class in nux.xom.tests
Command-line demo that converts a set of standard textual XML files to and from binary xml (bnux) files; Bnux files are indicated by a ".bnux" file name extension.
BinaryXMLTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Tests and benchmarks bnux format against a set of standard textual XML files.
build() - Method in class
Builds the current document until the corresponding END_DOCUMENT event is seen.
BuilderFactory - Class in nux.xom.pool
Creates and returns new Builder objects that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron or do not validate at all (thread-safe).
BuilderFactory() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates a factory instance for creating Builders with an underlying XMLReader that has no particular features and properties.
BuilderFactory(Map) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates a factory instance for creating Builders with an underlying XMLReader that has the given features and properties.
BuilderPool - Class in nux.xom.pool
Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XOM Builder objects, creating and holding zero or more Builders per thread.
BuilderPool() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Creates a new pool with default parameters.
BuilderPool(PoolConfig, BuilderFactory) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Creates a new pool with the given configuration that uses the given factory on cache misses.
BuilderPoolBenchmark - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Benchmark / stress test of BuilderPool.
buildFragment() - Method in class
Builds the current element subtree until the corresponding END_ELEMENT event is seen; returns a document rooted at that element.
buildNode() - Method in class
Creates and returns a new shallow XOM Node for the current StAX event the cursor is positioned over.


clear() - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Removes all elements but keeps the current capacity; Afterwards size() will yield zero.
close() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
close() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
COLLAPSE - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Whitespace normalization replaces each sequence of whitespace in the string by a single ' ' space character; Further, leading and trailing whitespaces are removed, if present, ala String.trim().
collect(Document) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
contains(String, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryTestSuiteW3C
copy() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns a deep copy of this configuration.
createAttribute(String, String, String, Attribute.Type) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.NodeBuilder
Contructs and returns a new attribute for the given qualified name and namespace URI.
createBinaryXMLSerializer(OutputStream, int) - Method in class
Returns a new streaming serializer that writes bnux binary XML to the given underlying output stream, using the given ZLIB compression level.
createBuilder(XMLInputFactory, NodeFactory) - Static method in class
Constructs and returns a Builder implementation that uses a StAX parser instead of a SAX parser.
createBuilder(boolean) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates and returns a new validating or non-validating Builder.
createDocument(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentFactory
Creates and returns a new document for the given input file.
createDocument(InputStream, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentFactory
Creates and returns a new document for the given input stream and base URI.
createDTDBuilder(EntityResolver) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates and returns a new Builder that validates against the DTD obtained by the given entity resolver.
createElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.NodeBuilder
Contructs and returns a new element for the given qualified name and namespace URI.
createMSVBuilder(InputStream, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates and returns a new Builder that validates against the given MSV (Multi-Schema Validator) schema.
createNodeFactory(NodeFactory, StreamingTransform) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.StreamingPathFilter
Creates and returns a new node factory for this path filter, to be be passed to a Builder.
createOutputStream(boolean) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.BinaryXMLBench
createOutputStream(boolean) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.BinaryXMLTest
createResolver(InputStream) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates and returns a new EntityResolver that validates against the DTD obtained from the given input stream.
createSearcher() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Creates and returns a searcher that can be used to execute arbitrary Lucene queries and to collect the resulting query results as hits.
createStaxSerializer(XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class
Returns a new streaming serializer that writes standard textual XML to the given underlying StAX XMLStreamWriter.
createStreamingSerializer(OutputStream, int) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Constructs a new streaming serializer that serializes bnux binary XML to the given underlying output stream, using the given ZLIB compression level.
createToken(String, Token) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymTokenFilter
Creates and returns a token for the given synonym of the current input token; Override for custom (stateless or stateful) behaviour, if desired.
createTransform(Document) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Creates and returns a new XSLTransform for the given stylesheet.
createTransform(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Creates and returns a new XSLTransform for the given stylesheet.
createTransform(InputStream, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Creates and returns a new XSLTransform for the given stylesheet.
createW3CBuilder(Map) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Creates and returns a new Builder that validates against W3C XML Schemas.
createXMLSerializer(OutputStream, String) - Method in class
Returns a new streaming serializer that writes standard textual XML to the given underlying output stream, using the given character encoding for char to byte conversions.
createXMLStreamReader(Node) - Static method in class
Constructs and returns a StAX XMLStreamReader pull parser implementation that reads from an underlying XOM Node; typically a Document or fragment (subtree); Ideal for efficient conversion of a XOM tree to SOAP/AXIOM, JAXB 2, JiBX or XMLBeans, for example when incrementally converting XQuery results via an Unmarshaller, perhaps in combination with a StreamingPathFilter.
createXMLStreamReader(InputStream, String) - Static method in class
Constructs and returns a StAX XML pull parser for the given input stream.
createXQuery(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Creates and returns a new XQuery for the given input query.
createXQuery(File, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Creates and returns a new XQuery for the given input query, using the given base URI.
createXQuery(String, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Creates and returns a new XQuery for the given input query, using the given base URI.
createXQuery(InputStream, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Creates and returns a new XQuery for the given input query, using the given base URI.


DEFAULT_ANALYZER - Static variable in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
A lower-casing word analyzer with English stop words (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Equivalent to deserialize(new ByteArrayInputStream(input), new NodeFactory()).
deserialize(InputStream, NodeFactory) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Returns the XOM document obtained by deserializing the next binary XML document from the given input stream.
DocumentFactory - Class in nux.xom.pool
Creates and returns new Document objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
DocumentFactory() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.DocumentFactory
Creates a factory instance.
DocumentMap - Class in nux.xom.pool
Efficient compact thread-safe main memory cache map of XOM XML Document objects; for example used by DocumentPool; Pool eviction is based on a LRU (least recently used) policy as defined by a tunable PoolConfig configuration.
DocumentMap(PoolConfig) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.DocumentMap
Creates a new pool that uses the given configuration.
DocumentMapTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Stress test putting infinitely many documents into a DocumentMap; an OutOfMemoryError should never occur as a result of doing this, with java -Xmx8m -verbose:gc and java -Xmx512m -verbose:gc and without any -Xmx limit, both with JDK 1.4 and 1.5 (Sun and IBM), both with client and server VM.
DocumentMapTest() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.DocumentMapTest
DocumentPool - Class in nux.xom.pool
Efficient compact thread-safe pool/cache of XOM XML Document objects, storing documents in a DocumentMap.
DocumentPool() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
Creates a new pool with default parameters.
DocumentPool(DocumentMap, DocumentFactory) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
Creates a new pool that uses the given document cache data structure and factory.
DocumentURIResolver - Interface in nux.xom.pool
Called by the XQuery processor to turn a URI passed to the XQuery doc() function into a XOM Document object.
dummy - Static variable in class nux.xom.sandbox.XQueryBenchmark


EncodingPrinter - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Prints the encoding used by a set of XML files.
EncodingPrinter() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.EncodingPrinter
endsWith(String, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryTestSuiteW3C
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Ensures that the receiver can hold at least the specified number of elements without needing to allocate new internal memory.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
execute(Node) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Executes (evaluates) the query against the given node.
execute(Node, DynamicQueryContext, Map) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Executes (evaluates) the query against the given node, using the given dynamic context and external variables.
explain() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Returns a description of the compiled and optimized expression tree; useful for advanced performance diagnostics only.
EXTENDED_ANALYZER - Static variable in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
A lower-casing word analyzer with extended English stop words (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.


FileUtil - Class in nux.xom.pool
Various file related utilities.
finishMakingDocument(Document) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
finishMakingElement(Element) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
finishMakingElement(Element) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
flush() - Method in interface
Forces any bytes buffered by the implementation to be written onto the underlying destination.
flush() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
FullTextUtil - Class in nux.xom.pool
Thread-safe XQuery/XPath fulltext search utilities; implemented with the Lucene engine and a custom high-performance adapter for on-the-fly main memory indexing with smart caching for indexes, queries and results.


generateTestData(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.XQueryBenchmark
Reads an XML file and multiplies its size by concatenating it N times.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Returns the current serialization algorithm; Can be ResultSequenceSerializer.W3C_ALGORITHM or ResultSequenceSerializer.WRAP_ALGORITHM; Defaults to ResultSequenceSerializer.W3C_ALGORITHM.
getBinaryXMLFactory() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentFactory
Returns a factory that reads binary XML files using BinaryXMLCodec.
getBuilder(boolean) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Returns a validating or non-validating Builder.
getCapacity() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the maximum amount of memory [bytes] the sum of all contained pool values may occupy.
getCauses() - Method in exception nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory.MultipleCausesException
getCompressionLevel() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the pool compression level.
getDocument(Object) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentMap
Returns the document associated with the given key.
getDocument(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
Returns a document for the given input file.
getDocument(URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
Returns a document for the given URL.
getDocument(ResourceResolver, String, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
Returns a document for the input stream obtained from resolving the given resourceName against the given resolver.
getDocuments() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
Returns the document build for each of the factories.
getDOMImplementation() - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a namespace-aware DOMImplementation via the default JAXP lookup mechanism.
getDTDBuilder(EntityResolver) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Returns a Builder that validates against the DTD obtained by the given entity resolver.
getEncoding() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Returns the current serialization character encoding; Defaults to "UTF-8"; For details, see Serializer.Serializer(OutputStream, String).
getFileMonitoring() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the file change invalidation policy.
getHomepage() - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
getIgnoreWhitespaceOnlyTextNodeFactory() - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a node factory that removes each Text node that is empty or consists of whitespace characters only (boundary whitespace).
getIndent() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Returns the number of spaces to insert for each nesting level for pretty printing purposes; Defaults to zero; For details, see Serializer.setIndent(int).
getLoggingAnalyzer(Analyzer, PrintStream, String) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns a simple analyzer wrapper that logs all tokens produced by the underlying child analyzer to the given log stream (typically System.err); Otherwise behaves exactly like the child analyzer, delivering the very same tokens; useful for debugging purposes on custom indexing and/or querying.
getLoggingNodeFactory(NodeFactory, PrintStream, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a factory that delegates all calls to the given child factory, logging each call to the given log stream (typically System.err) for simple debugging purposes.
getMailAddress() - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
getMaxEntries() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the maximum number of entries this pool can hold before starting to evict old entries.
getMaxIdleTime() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the (approximate) maximum time [ms] a pool entry is retained since its last access on get().
getMaxLifeTime() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Returns the (approximate) maximum time [ms] a pool entry is retained since its creation/insertion on put().
getMaxTokenAnalyzer(Analyzer, int) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns an analyzer wrapper that returns at most the first maxTokens tokens from the underlying child analyzer, ignoring all remaining tokens.
getMemorySize() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Returns a reasonable approximation of the main memory [bytes] consumed by this instance.
getMostFrequentTerms(Analyzer, String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns (frequency:term) pairs for the top N distinct terms (aka words), sorted descending by frequency (and ascending by term, if tied).
getMSVBuilder(URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Returns a Builder that validates against the given MSV (Multi-Schema Validator) schema.
getNamespaceContext() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
getNullNodeFactory() - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a node factory for pure document validation.
getParagraphs(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns at most the first N paragraphs of the given text.
getPorterStemmerAnalyzer(Analyzer) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns an English stemming analyzer that stems tokens from the underlying child analyzer according to the Porter stemming algorithm.
getPreferredTransformerFactories() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Callback that returns a search list of fully qualified class names of TRAX TransformerFactory implementations, given in order of preference from left to right.
getPrefix(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
getProgramName() - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
getProperty(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
getRedirectingNodeFactory(StreamingSerializer) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a node factory that redirects its input onto the output of a streaming serializer.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface nux.xom.pool.ResourceResolver
Returns an input stream for reading the specified resource.
getSentences(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns at most the first N sentences of the given text.
getSynonymAnalyzer(Analyzer, SynonymMap, int) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.AnalyzerUtil
Returns an analyzer wrapper that wraps the underlying child analyzer's token stream into a SynonymTokenFilter.
getSynonyms(String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymMap
Returns the synonym set for the given word, sorted ascending.
getTextTrimmingNodeFactory() - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a node factory that removes leading and trailing whitespaces in each Text node, altogether removing a Text node that becomes empty after said trimming (ala String.trim()).
getTransform(Document) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
Returns an XSLTransform for the given stylesheet.
getTransform(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
Returns an XSLTransform for the given stylesheet.
getTransform(ResourceResolver, String, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
Returns an XSLTransform for the input stream obtained from resolving the given resourceName against the given resolver.
getUnicodeNormalizationFormC() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Returns whether or not to perform Unicode normalization form C (NFC); Defaults to false; For details, see Serializer.setUnicodeNormalizationFormC(boolean)
getVersion() - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
getW3CBuilder(Map) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
Returns a Builder that validates against W3C XML Schemas.
getXMLStreamReader() - Method in class
Returns the StAX pull parser previously given on instance construction.
getXQuery(File) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Returns an XQuery for the given input query.
getXQuery(File, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Returns an XQuery for the given input query, using the given base URI.
getXQuery(String, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Returns an XQuery for the given input query, using the given base URI.
getXQuery(ResourceResolver, String, URI) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Returns an XQuery for the input stream obtained from resolving the given resourceName against the given resolver.
GLOBAL_POOL - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderPool
A default pool (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.
GLOBAL_POOL - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentPool
A default pool (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.
GLOBAL_POOL - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
A default pool (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.
GLOBAL_POOL - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
A default pool (can be shared freely across threads without harm); global per class loader.


hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
Returns a hash code value for the object.


initFactory(TransformerFactory) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Callback that initializes the supplied TransformerFactory with application-specific attributes and a URIResolver, if so desired.
IS_BENCHMARK - Static variable in class nux.xom.sandbox.XQueryBenchmark
isBnuxDocument(InputStream) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Returns whether or not the given input stream contains a bnux document.


jaxbMarshal(Marshaller, Object) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Marshals (serializes) the given JAXB object via the given marshaller into a new XOM Document (convenience method).
jaxbUnmarshal(Unmarshaller, ParentNode) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Unmarshals (deserializes) the given XOM node via the given unmarshaller into a new JAXB object (convenience method).


keywordTokenStream(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method; Creates and returns a token stream that generates a token for each keyword in the given collection, "as is", without any transforming text analysis.


listFiles(String, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FileUtil
Returns the URIs of all files who's path matches at least one of the given inclusion wildcard or regular expressions but none of the given exclusion wildcard or regular expressions; starting from the given directory, optionally with recursive directory traversal, insensitive to underlying operating system conventions.


main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.BinaryXMLBench
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.BinaryXMLTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.BuilderPoolBenchmark
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.DocumentMapTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.EncodingPrinter
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MemoryIndexBenchmark
Runs the benchmark
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.SchemaValidatingBuilderTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.SimpleXQueryCommand
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxBuilderTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxSerializerTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.ThreadLocalTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.XQueryBenchmark
Runs the benchmark
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.sandbox.XQueryUpdateTest
runs the test
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLConverter
Runs the demo program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
Main entry point; run this program without any arguments to get help (including descriptions of all options).
main(String[]) - Static method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryTestSuiteW3C
Runs the test suite; the first argument indicates the test suite's root directory.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndexTest
Runs the tests and/or benchmark
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzerTest
Runs the tests and/or benchmark
makeAttribute(String, String, String, Attribute.Type) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeAttribute(String, String, String, Attribute.Type) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
makeComment(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeComment(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
makeDocType(String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeDocType(String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
makeProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
makeRootElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeText(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
makeText(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
match(String, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FullTextUtil
Lucene fulltext search convenience method; equivalent to match(text, query, null, null).
match(String, String, Analyzer, Analyzer) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FullTextUtil
Lucene fulltext search convenience method; Returns the relevance score by matching the given text string against the given Lucene query expression.
MemoryIndex - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.
MemoryIndex() - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Constructs an empty instance.
MemoryIndexBenchmark - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Benchmarks fulltext MemoryIndex searches.
MemoryIndexTest - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Verifies that Lucene MemoryIndex and RAMDirectory have the same behaviour, returning the same results for any given query.
MemoryIndexTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndexTest
MulticastNodeFactory - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Streams input into one or more independent underlying node factories.
MulticastNodeFactory(NodeFactory[], boolean) - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
Constructs a new instance.
MulticastNodeFactory.MultipleCausesException - Exception in nux.xom.sandbox
A RuntimeException containing an array of one or more causes (Throwables).


newBuilder(XMLReader, boolean) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.BuilderFactory
Callback that creates and returns a new validating or non-validating Builder for the given parser.
newBuilder() - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentFactory
Overridable callback that returns a Builder for XML parsing; This default implementation returns a non-validating Builder.
newResultSequence(XQueryExpression, DynamicQueryContext) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Callback that returns a result sequence for the current query execution.
newTransform(Document, TransformerFactory) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Callback that creates and returns a new XSLTransform for the given stylesheet and TransformerFactory.
next() - Method in interface nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequence
Returns the next node from the result sequence, or null if there are no more nodes available due too iterator exhaustion.
next() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymTokenFilter
Returns the next token in the stream, or null at EOS.
NodeBuilder - Class in nux.xom.binary
EXPERIMENTAL; Not part of published API; Subject to change or removal without notice.
NodeBuilder() - Constructor for class nux.xom.binary.NodeBuilder
Constructs a new instance.
NON_WORD_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
"\\W+"; Divides text at non-letters (Character.isLetter(c))
normalize(ParentNode) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Recursively walks the given node subtree and merges runs of consecutive (adjacent) Text nodes (if present) into a single Text node containing their string concatenation; Empty Text nodes are removed.
nux.xom.binary - package nux.xom.binary
Serializes (encodes) and deserializes (decodes) XOM XML documents to and from an efficient and compact custom binary XML data format, without loss or change of any information. - package
Using memory consumption close to zero, streaming serialization enables writing arbitrarily large XML documents onto a destination, such as an OutputStream, both for standard textual XML as well as binary XML; Also includes a XOM Builder implementation that uses a StAX parser instead of a SAX parser; plus a XMLStreamReader implementation reading from an underlying XOM Document or fragment; plus other tools.
nux.xom.pool - package nux.xom.pool
Efficient and flexible pools and factories for Documents, XQueries, and XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc.
nux.xom.sandbox - package nux.xom.sandbox
Playground for kicking around various ideas and prototypes without any API compatibility guarantees.
nux.xom.tests - package nux.xom.tests
Tests and example demos.
nux.xom.xquery - package nux.xom.xquery
W3C XQuery and XPath support for XOM.


org.apache.lucene.index.memory - package org.apache.lucene.index.memory
High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.


paragraphs(String, int) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FullTextUtil
Returns at most the first N paragraphs of the given text.
parseArguments(String[]) - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
PatternAnalyzer - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Efficient Lucene analyzer/tokenizer that preferably operates on a String rather than a Reader, that can flexibly separate text into terms via a regular expression Pattern (with behaviour identical to String.split(String)), and that combines the functionality of LetterTokenizer, LowerCaseTokenizer, WhitespaceTokenizer, StopFilter into a single efficient multi-purpose class.
PatternAnalyzer(Pattern, boolean, Set) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
Constructs a new instance with the given parameters.
PatternAnalyzerTest - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Verifies that Lucene PatternAnalyzer and normal Lucene Analyzers have the same behaviour, returning the same results for any given free text.
PatternAnalyzerTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzerTest
PoolConfig - Class in nux.xom.pool
Set of tunable configuration parameters for DocumentMap and cousins.
PoolConfig() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Constructs an instance with default parameters.
PoolConfig(PoolConfig) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Constructs a deep copy of the given source configuration.
PRESERVE - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Whitespace normalization returns the string unchanged; hence indicates no whitespace normalization should be performed at all; This is typically the default for applications.
putDocument(Object, Document) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.DocumentMap
Associates the given document with the given key.


REPLACE - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Whitespace normalization replaces each whitespace character in the string with a ' ' space character.
resolve(String, String) - Method in interface nux.xom.pool.DocumentURIResolver
Called by the XQuery processor when it encounters a doc() function.
ResourceResolver - Interface in nux.xom.pool
Returns an input stream for a given named resource, for example a path or URL or some other form of identifier.
ResultSequence - Interface in nux.xom.xquery
A forward-only iterator representing an XQuery result sequence of zero or more ordered items.
ResultSequenceSerializer - Class in nux.xom.xquery
Serializes an XQuery/XPath result sequence onto a given output stream, using various configurable serialization options such encoding, indentation and algorithm.
ResultSequenceSerializer() - Constructor for class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Constructs and returns a serializer with default options.
run() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.ThreadLocalTest
run() - Method in class nux.xom.tests.XQueryCommand
Execute the query.


SchemaValidatingBuilderTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Quick'n dirty test for BuilderFactory.getW3CBuilder().
SchemaValidatingBuilderTest() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.SchemaValidatingBuilderTest
search(Query) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Convenience method that efficiently returns the relevance score by matching this index against the given Lucene query expression.
sentences(String, int) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FullTextUtil
Returns at most the first N sentences of the given text.
serialize(Document, int) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Returns the bnux binary XML document obtained by serializing the given XOM document.
serialize(Document, int, OutputStream) - Method in class nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec
Serializes the given XOM document as a bnux binary XML document onto the given output stream.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Sets the serialization algorithm.
setCapacity(long) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets the maximum amount of memory [bytes] the sum of all contained pool values may occupy.
setCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets the pool compression level (defaults to 0).
setDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
setEncoding(String) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Sets the character encoding for the serialization.
setFileMonitoring(boolean) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets whether or not a pool should periodically monitor and automatically remove an entry if it's key is a File and that file has been modified or deleted since the entry has been inserted into the pool.
setIndent(int) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Sets the number of spaces to insert for each nesting level.
setMaxEntries(int) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets the maximum number of entries this pool can hold before starting to evict old entries.
setMaxIdleTime(long) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets the (approximate) maximum time [ms] a pool entry is retained since its last access on get().
setMaxLifeTime(long) - Method in class nux.xom.pool.PoolConfig
Sets the (approximate) maximum time [ms] a pool entry is retained since its creation/insertion on put().
setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
setPrefix(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
setUnicodeNormalizationFormC(boolean) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Sets whether or not to perform Unicode normalization form C (NFC).
SimpleXQueryCommand - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Simple command line demo that runs a given XQuery against a file and prints the result sequence.
size() - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Returns the number of contained elements.
startMakingDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
startMakingDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
startMakingElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory
startMakingElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
StaxBuilderTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Integration test for StaxUtil.createBuilder().build().
StaxBuilderTest() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxBuilderTest
StaxFilteredStreamWriter - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
StAX XMLStreamWriter base class sitting on top of a child XMLStreamWriter, easing implementation of filter chains.
StaxFilteredStreamWriter(XMLStreamWriter) - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
Constructs an instance that delegates to the given child writer.
StaxFragmentStreamWriter - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
StAX XMLStreamWriter that delegates all calls to the given underlying child writer, except that calls to all close, writeStartDocument and writeEndDocument flavours are silently ignored.
StaxFragmentStreamWriter(XMLStreamWriter) - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
Constructs an instance that delegates to the given child writer.
StaxParser - Class in
Similar to the XOM Builder except that it builds a XOM document using an underlying StAX pull parser rather than a SAX push parser, inverting control flow.
StaxParser(XMLStreamReader, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance that pushes into the given node factory.
StaxSerializerTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Integration test for round-tripping of StreamingSerializerFactory.createStaxSerializer().write().
StaxSerializerTest() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxSerializerTest
StaxUtil - Class in
Various utilities; a XOM Builder implementation that uses a StAX parser instead of a SAX parser; a XMLStreamReader implementation reading from an underlying XOM Document or fragment; plus other tools.
StreamingPathFilter - Class in nux.xom.xquery
Streaming path filter node factory for continuous queries and/or transformations over very large or infinitely long XML input.
StreamingPathFilter(String, Map) - Constructor for class nux.xom.xquery.StreamingPathFilter
Constructs a compiled filter from the given location path and prefix --> namespaceURI map.
StreamingPathFilterException - Exception in nux.xom.xquery
An exception indicating a syntax error in the location path of a StreamingPathFilter.
StreamingSerializer - Interface in
Using memory consumption close to zero, this interface enables writing arbitrarily large XML documents onto a destination, such as an OutputStream, SAX, StAX, DOM or bnux.
StreamingSerializerFactory - Class in
Factory creating instances of StreamingSerializer implementations.
StreamingSerializerFactory() - Constructor for class
Constructs a new factory instance; The serializer instances it creates can be reused serially, but are not thread safe.
StreamingTransform - Interface in nux.xom.xquery
An application-specific callback called by the node factory of a StreamingPathFilter whenever an element matches the filter's entire location path.
STRIP - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Whitespace normalization removes strings that consist of whitespace-only (boundary whitespace), retaining other strings unchanged.
SYNONYM_TOKEN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymTokenFilter
The Token.type used to indicate a synonym to higher level filters.
SynonymMap - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Loads the WordNet prolog file into a thread-safe main-memory hash map that can be used for fast high-frequncy lookups of synonyms for any given (lowercase) word string.
SynonymMap(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymMap
Constructs an instance, loading WordNet synonym data from the given input stream.
SynonymTokenFilter - Class in org.apache.lucene.index.memory
Injects additional tokens for synonyms of token terms fetched from the underlying child stream; the child stream must deliver lowercase tokens for synonyms to be found.
SynonymTokenFilter(TokenStream, SynonymMap, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymTokenFilter
Creates an instance for the given underlying stream and synonym table.


testMany() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndexTest
testMany() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzerTest
ThreadLocalTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
ThreadLocalTest() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.ThreadLocalTest
toArray() - Method in class nux.xom.binary.ArrayIntList
Returns a copied array of bytes containing all elements; the returned array has length = this.size().
toByteArray(InputStream) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FileUtil
Reads until end-of-stream and returns all read bytes, finally closes the stream.
toCanonicalXML(Document) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns the W3C Canonical XML representation of the given document.
toDebugString(Node) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a properly indented debug level string representation of the entire given XML node subtree, decorated with node types, node names, children, etc.
toDocument(String) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns the XOM document obtained by parsing from the content of the given XML string.
tokenStream(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
Creates a token stream that tokenizes the given string into token terms (aka words).
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
Creates a token stream that tokenizes all the text in the given Reader; This implementation forwards to tokenStream(String, String) and is less efficient than tokenStream(String, String).
toNodes() - Method in interface nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequence
Returns all remaining nodes from the result sequence, collected into a list of zero or more Node objects.
toPrettyXML(Node) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil
Returns a pretty-printed String representation of the given node (subtree).
toString(int) - Static method in class
Returns a debug string representation for the given StAX event type.
toString(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class nux.xom.pool.FileUtil
Reads until end-of-stream and returns all read bytes as a string, finally closes the stream, converting the data with the given charset encoding, or the system's default platform encoding if charset == null.
toString() - Method in exception nux.xom.sandbox.MulticastNodeFactory.MultipleCausesException
toString() - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Returns a string representation for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.MemoryIndex
Returns a String representation of the index data for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.SynonymMap
Returns a String representation of the index data for debugging purposes.
transform(Element) - Method in interface nux.xom.xquery.StreamingTransform
Called by the node factory of a StreamingPathFilterwhenever an element matches the filter's entire location path.
TreeStructureCollector - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Streaming demo that collects and prints a hierarchical statistics summary of element and attribute instances.
TreeStructureCollector() - Constructor for class nux.xom.sandbox.TreeStructureCollector
TRIM - Static variable in class nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil.Normalizer
Whitespace normalization removes leading and trailing whitespaces, if present, ala String.trim().


update(Nodes, XQuery, Map) - Static method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQueryUtil
EXPERIMENTAL; Simple yet powerful and efficient in-place morphing for use as an XQuery/XPath insert, update and delete facility; particularly useful for structurally small tree transformations without requiring (potentially huge) XML tree copies.
update(Node, String, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQueryUtil
EXPERIMENTAL; Convenience morphing method.


W3C_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Serializes each item in the result sequence according to the XML Output Method of the W3C XQuery/XSLT2 Serialization Draft Spec, with sequence normalization as defined therein.
WHITESPACE_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.apache.lucene.index.memory.PatternAnalyzer
"\\s+"; Divides text at whitespaces (Character.isWhitespace(c))
WRAP_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Serializes each item in the result sequence by wrapping it into a decorated element, without sequence normalization.
write(Document) - Method in interface
Recursively writes the entire given prefabricated document, including the XML declaration and all its descendants.
write(Element) - Method in interface
Recursively writes the entire subtree rooted at the given (potentially parentless) element; this includes attributes and namespaces as if recursively calling writeStartTag/write/writeEndTag for this element and all its descendants, in document order.
write(Text) - Method in interface
Writes the given text node.
write(Comment) - Method in interface
Writes the given comment node.
write(ProcessingInstruction) - Method in interface
Writes the given processing instruction node.
write(DocType) - Method in interface
Writes the given document type node.
write(Nodes, OutputStream) - Method in class nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer
Serializes the given result sequence onto the given output stream.
writeAttribute(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeAttribute(String, String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeCData(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeCharacters(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeCharacters(char[], int, int) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeComment(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeDTD(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEmptyElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEmptyElement(String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEmptyElement(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEndDocument() - Method in interface
Finishes writing the current document, auto-closing any remaining open element tags via writeEndTag calls; Implicitly calls flush() and releases resources.
writeEndDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEndDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
writeEndElement() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeEndTag() - Method in interface
Writes the corresponding closing end tag for the element handed to the last writeStartTag call.
writeEntityRef(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeNamespace(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeProcessingInstruction(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartDocument(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartDocument(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartDocument() - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
writeStartDocument(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
writeStartDocument(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFragmentStreamWriter
writeStartElement(String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartElement(String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartElement(String, String, String) - Method in class nux.xom.sandbox.StaxFilteredStreamWriter
writeStartTag(Element) - Method in interface
Writes the start tag for the given (potentially parentless) element; this excludes children and includes attributes and namespaces defined on this element, as if the element had as parent the element handed to the last writeStartTag call.
writeXMLDeclaration() - Method in interface
Writes the standard XML declaration (including XML version and encoding); must be called before any other write flavour except write(Document).


XOMUtil - Class in nux.xom.pool
Various utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
XOMUtil.Normalizer - Class in nux.xom.pool
Standard XML algorithms for text and whitespace normalization (but not for Unicode normalization); type safe enum.
XQuery - Class in nux.xom.xquery
Compiled representation of a W3C XQuery (thread-safe).
XQuery(String, URI) - Constructor for class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Constructs a new compiled XQuery from the given query.
XQuery(String, URI, StaticQueryContext, DocumentURIResolver) - Constructor for class nux.xom.xquery.XQuery
Constructs a new compiled XQuery from the given query, base URI, static context and resolver.
xquery(Node, String) - Static method in class nux.xom.xquery.XQueryUtil
Executes the given W3C XQuery or XPath against the given context node (subtree); convenience method.
XQueryBenchmark - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Simple benchmark measuring XQuery and/or XPath performance of a given set of queries.
XQueryCommand - Class in nux.xom.tests
Nux XQuery test tool with optional schema validation, XInclude and update facility; See the online help for a description of all available options, plus examples.
XQueryException - Exception in nux.xom.xquery
An exception indicating a static or dynamic XQuery error.
XQueryFactory - Class in nux.xom.pool
Creates and returns new XQuery objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
XQueryFactory() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Equivalent to new XQueryFactory(null, null).
XQueryFactory(Charset, DocumentURIResolver) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XQueryFactory
Creates a factory instance that uses the given DocumentURIResolver and character encoding.
XQueryPool - Class in nux.xom.pool
Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XQuery objects, creating and holding at most maxEntries XQuery objects (each representing a compiled query).
XQueryPool() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Creates a new pool with default parameters.
XQueryPool(PoolConfig, XQueryFactory) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XQueryPool
Creates a new pool with the given configuration that uses the given factory on cache misses.
XQueryTestSuiteW3C - Class in nux.xom.tests
Runs the Official W3C XQuery Test Suite (XQTS) against Nux, looking for potential standards conformance bugs; The test suite contains some 15000 test cases; it must be downloaded separately from the W3C site.
XQueryUpdateTest - Class in nux.xom.sandbox
Usecase examples for XQuery/XPath update facility.
XQueryUtil - Class in nux.xom.xquery
Various utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
XSLTransformFactory - Class in nux.xom.pool
Creates and returns new XSLTransform objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
XSLTransformFactory() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformFactory
Creates a factory instance.
XSLTransformPool - Class in nux.xom.pool
Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XOM XSLTransform objects, creating and holding at most maxEntries XSLTransform objects (each representing a compiled stylesheet).
XSLTransformPool() - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
Creates a new pool with default parameters.
XSLTransformPool(PoolConfig, XSLTransformFactory) - Constructor for class nux.xom.pool.XSLTransformPool
Creates a new pool with the given configuration that uses the given factory on cache misses.

Nux 1.6