Nux 1.6

nux.xom.binary Serializes (encodes) and deserializes (decodes) XOM XML documents to and from an efficient and compact custom binary XML data format, without loss or change of any information. Using memory consumption close to zero, streaming serialization enables writing arbitrarily large XML documents onto a destination, such as an OutputStream, both for standard textual XML as well as binary XML; Also includes a XOM Builder implementation that uses a StAX parser instead of a SAX parser; plus a XMLStreamReader implementation reading from an underlying XOM Document or fragment; plus other tools.
nux.xom.pool Efficient and flexible pools and factories for Documents, XQueries, and XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc.
nux.xom.sandbox Playground for kicking around various ideas and prototypes without any API compatibility guarantees.
nux.xom.tests Tests and example demos.
nux.xom.xquery W3C XQuery and XPath support for XOM.
org.apache.lucene.index.memory High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.


Nux 1.6