Nux 1.6

Package org.apache.lucene.index.memory

High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.


Class Summary
AnalyzerUtil Various fulltext analysis utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
MemoryIndex High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.
MemoryIndexTest Verifies that Lucene MemoryIndex and RAMDirectory have the same behaviour, returning the same results for any given query.
PatternAnalyzer Efficient Lucene analyzer/tokenizer that preferably operates on a String rather than a Reader, that can flexibly separate text into terms via a regular expression Pattern (with behaviour identical to String.split(String)), and that combines the functionality of LetterTokenizer, LowerCaseTokenizer, WhitespaceTokenizer, StopFilter into a single efficient multi-purpose class.
PatternAnalyzerTest Verifies that Lucene PatternAnalyzer and normal Lucene Analyzers have the same behaviour, returning the same results for any given free text.
SynonymMap Loads the WordNet prolog file into a thread-safe main-memory hash map that can be used for fast high-frequncy lookups of synonyms for any given (lowercase) word string.
SynonymTokenFilter Injects additional tokens for synonyms of token terms fetched from the underlying child stream; the child stream must deliver lowercase tokens for synonyms to be found.

Package org.apache.lucene.index.memory Description

High-performance single-document main memory Apache Lucene fulltext search index.

Nux 1.6