| Overall Plan |
Phase 1 |
- Move forward to WSRF (OGSA) integration (Wolfgang).
- Provide python client API or collaborate with people that want to do that (Monte).
- Ensure implementation of all P2PIO features with full standards compliance (Wolfgang).
- Provide production quality backend DB support (initially MySQL or Berkeley
XMLDB or XIndice).
Phase 2 |
- Extend firefish will more complete P2P features, leading to easy-to-use,
scalable, extensible P2P Grid infrastructure for use in DOE science grids.
Phase 3 |
- Extend firefish to run on top of multiple transports, in particular secure
reliable multicase via intergroup/SGL.
- Look into how security can be integrated.
- Look into server side template engine to generate queries automatically (ala
stored DB procedures).
Phase 4 |
- Deploy on mini-testbed, later possibly large scale tests on Intel's
Planetlab. Gather data.
ToDo List |
Top Priority |
- Update spec
- Implement receive timeout, locallyAvailable and globally Available, maxHops
- Add more P2P functionality
Medium Priority |
- Add more convenient iterator based synchronous client API
- Add error with full exception details such as stacktrace?
- Add default timestamps on publish? Keys as generic XPath expressions?
- Add mechanism to ask for supported query languages?
- Add merge query and union vs. concat
- Add low level async client API
- Add neighbor selection query
- Add production quality backend DB support (initially MySQL or Berkeley XMLDB
or XIndice)
- Add better javadoc
- Add junit test cases to detect regressions
Low Priority |
- Add Invite support
- Add Multi Mode for Receive
- Add GSI security
- Add authorization handlers?
- Benchmark XPath and XQuery implementations