| Quick File Overview |
The project website is a copy of the doc/ directory.
doc/readme.html - this file
doc/changelog.html - lists recent changes to the source code (release notes)
doc/license.html - the license defining the terms of use of the software
doc/todo.html - lists planned or possible changes/additions
doc/bugs.html - lists known bugs and work-arounds
Directories necessary for users of a binary distribution |
bin/ - cross platform executable programs
doc/ - guides, tutorials, FAQ, etc.
doc/api/ - generated javadoc HTML documentation
lib/ - jar files for client usage
samples/ - example queries and xml data
firefish.properties - firefish config file
log4j.properties - logging config file
../tomcat/ - binary distribution of tomcat server (user running tomcat needs read-write permissions)
../tomcat/conf/ - servlet container specific config files (e.g. server.xml, firefish-keystore certs)
../tomcat/logs/ - log files
../tomcat/webapps/firefish - this is where the webapp/firefish/ template from below gets deployed into (by default)
webapps/firefish/ - firefish web application template (read-only)
webapps/firefish/WEB-INF/server.config.wsdd - Axis config file
webapps/firefish/WEB-INF/web.xml - webapp config file
Directories necessary for developers |
src/java/ - java source code
src/xdocs/ - HTML for website generation
src/schemas/ - XML schemas (p2pio protocol, WSDL, ...)
build.xml - ant build file to build the entire thing from scratch.
The build file contains build instructions
build/classes/ - temporary dir for compilation upon build (so that .class files are separate from .java files)
Building from source |
Most users will not need to build from source as a binary distribution of all
libraries is included in the download.
If you are a developer, then see the
build, tarball, etc. instructions in the ant build file build.xml .
jdk-1.4 or higher ('java' must be in your PATH)
ant-1.5.3 or higher (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant)
UNIX bash-style:
export PATH=home/dsd/java2/jdk/jdk-1.4/bin:$PATH
export PATH=home/dsd/java2/share/apache/ant/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=home/dsd/java2/jdk/jdk-1.4
(ant works without this but reports a warning)
set PATH=e:\java\jdk\sun-1.4.2\bin;%PATH%
set PATH=e:\java\share\apache\ant-1.5.4\bin;%PATH%
set JAVA_HOME=e:\java\jdk\sun-1.4.2
(ant works without this but reports a warning)
Before building, make sure tomcat is shutdown as that may prevent deleting files.
cd firebundle/firefish
ant build