Most users will not need to build from source as a binary distribution of all
libraries is included in the download.
If you are a developer, then see the
build, tarball, etc. instructions in the ant build file build.xml
jdk-1.4 or higher ('java' must be in your PATH)
ant-1.5.3 or higher (
UNIX bash-style:
export PATH=/home/dsd/java2/jdk/jdk-1.4/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/dsd/java2/share/apache/ant/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/home/dsd/java2/jdk/jdk-1.4
(ant works without this but reports a warning)
set PATH=e:\java\jdk\sun-1.4.2\bin;%PATH%
set PATH=e:\java\share\apache\ant-1.5.4\bin;%PATH%
set JAVA_HOME=e:\java\jdk\sun-1.4.2
(ant works without this but reports a warning)