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Installing plug-in dependencies

Dac-Man has a modular structure, and by default will only install packages that are necessary to its core functionality. To enable Dac-Man's included plug-ins, the required additional dependencies must be installed.

It is possible to install additional dependencies by updating Dac-Man's environment using files in the dependencies/ directory of the source code repository.

Installing dependencies for all included plug-ins

Using Conda

If Dac-Man was installed using Conda, run this command from the root of the local copy of the Dac-Man source code repository to update Dac-Man's environment and enable all included plug-ins:

conda env update --name dacman-env --file dependencies/conda/builtin-plugins.yml

Using Pip

If Dac-Man was installed using Pip, activate Dac-Man's environment, and then run the following command instead:

pip install --requirement dependencies/pip/builtin-plugins.txt

Built-in plug-ins dependencies

More information about the individual dependencies required by the included plug-ins are given in the following table.

Package name Documentation URL Required by plug-in Required for
h5py Link Default, HDF5 Reading .h5 files
astropy Link Default Reading .fits files
fabio Link Default Reading .edf and .tif files
pandas Link CSV, Excel Reading .csv/.xls* files, data processing
xlrd Link Excel Reading .xls* files (through pandas), Excel utility functions