Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Deb Agarwal
Department Head / Senior Scientist
Berkeley Institute for Data Science, Senior Fellow
Inria, International Chair
(510) 486-7078

Deb Agarwal is the Data Science and Technology Department Head, Inria International Chair, and a Berkeley Institute for Data Science Senior Fellow. Dr. Agarwal's research focuses on scientific tools which enable sharing of scientific experiments, advanced networking infrastructure to support sharing of scientific data, data analysis support infrastructure for eco-science, and cybersecurity infrastructure to secure collaborative environments. Some of the projects Dr. Agarwal is working on include: AmeriFlux data processing and management, advanced computational subsurface modeling data management, and infrastructure for carbon capture simulations. Dr. Agarwal co-leads the DALHIS associated team. Dr. Agarwal leads a team developing data server infrastructure to significantly enhance data browsing and analysis capabilities and enable eco-science synthesis at the watershed-scale to understand hydrologic and conservation questions and at the global-scale to understand carbon flux. Dr. Agarwal is an advocate for diversity in computing and is a member of the CRA-W Board working to increasee the diversity in computing at all levels. Dr. Agarwal received her Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from University of California, Santa Barbara and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.
Deb's CV