Colt 1.2.0


Gamma - class cern.jet.random.Gamma.
Gamma distribution; math definition, definition of gamma function and animated definition.
Gamma(double, double, RandomEngine) - Constructor for class cern.jet.random.Gamma
Constructs a Gamma distribution.
Gamma - class cern.jet.stat.Gamma.
Gamma and Beta functions.
GeV - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
GenericPermuting - class cern.colt.GenericPermuting.
Generically reorders (permutes) arbitrary shaped data (for example, an array, three arrays, a 2-d matrix, two linked lists) using an in-place swapping algorithm.
GenericSorting - class cern.colt.GenericSorting.
Generically sorts arbitrary shaped data (for example multiple arrays, 1,2 or 3-d matrices, and so on) using a quicksort or mergesort.
g - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
gamma(double) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.Gamma
Returns the Gamma function of the argument.
gamma(double, double, double) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.Probability
Returns the integral from zero to x of the gamma probability density function.
gammaComplemented(double, double, double) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.Probability
Returns the integral from x to infinity of the gamma probability density function:
gauss - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
generateNonSingular(DoubleMatrix2D) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Property
Modifies the given matrix square matrix A such that it is diagonally dominant by row and column, hence non-singular, hence invertible.
genericPartition(int, int, int, int, int[], IntComparator, IntComparator, IntComparator, Swapper) - Static method in class cern.colt.Partitioning
Same as Partitioning.partition(int[],int,int,int[],int,int,int[]) except that it generically partitions arbitrary shaped data (for example matrices or multiple arrays) rather than int[] arrays.
geometricMean(int, double) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.Descriptive
Returns the geometric mean of a data sequence.
geometricMean(DoubleArrayList) - Static method in class cern.jet.stat.Descriptive
Returns the geometric mean of a data sequence.
geometricMean - Static variable in class hep.aida.bin.BinFunctions1D
Function that returns bin.geometricMean().
geometricMean() - Method in class hep.aida.bin.MightyStaticBin1D
Returns the geometric mean, which is Product( x[i] )1.0/size().
geometricPdf(int, double) - Static method in class cern.jet.random.Distributions
Returns the probability distribution function of the discrete geometric distribution.
get(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.bitvector.BitMatrix
Returns from the receiver the value of the bit at the specified coordinate.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.bitvector.BitVector
Returns from the bitvector the value of the bit with the specified index.
get(long[], int) - Static method in class cern.colt.bitvector.QuickBitVector
Returns from the bitvector the value of the bit with the specified index.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractBooleanList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractByteList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractCharList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractDoubleList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractFloatList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractIntList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractLongList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.AbstractShortList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.BooleanArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ByteArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.CharArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.FloatArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.IntArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.LongArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ObjectArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ShortArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.adapter.DoubleListAdapter
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.adapter.FloatListAdapter
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.adapter.IntListAdapter
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.adapter.LongListAdapter
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.adapter.ObjectListAdapter
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(double) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(long) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(double) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(long) - Method in class
Returns the value associated with the specified key.
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
get(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
get(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
get(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
get(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
get(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getBuildTime() - Static method in class cern.colt.Version
Returns the time this release was build; for example "Tue Apr 11 11:50:39 CEST 2000".
getBuildVersion() - Static method in class cern.colt.Version
Returns the build version of this release.
getD() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.EigenvalueDecomposition
Returns the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix, D.
getH() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.QRDecomposition
Returns the Householder vectors H.
getImagEigenvalues() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.EigenvalueDecomposition
Returns the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues.
getL() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.CholeskyDecomposition
Returns the triangular factor, L.
getL() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecomposition
Returns the lower triangular factor, L.
getL() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecompositionQuick
Returns the lower triangular factor, L.
getLU() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecompositionQuick
Returns a copy of the combined lower and upper triangular factor, LU.
getLongFromTo(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.bitvector.BitVector
Returns a long value representing bits of the receiver from index from to index to.
getLongFromTo(long[], int, int) - Static method in class cern.colt.bitvector.QuickBitVector
Returns a long value representing bits of a bitvector from index from to index to.
getMajorVersion() - Static method in class cern.colt.Version
Returns the major version of this release.
getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers() - Method in class hep.aida.bin.DynamicBin1D
Returns Integer.MAX_VALUE, the maximum order k for which sums of powers are retrievable.
getMaxOrderForSumOfPowers() - Method in class hep.aida.bin.MightyStaticBin1D
Returns the maximum order k for which sums of powers are retrievable, as specified upon instance construction.
getMicroVersion() - Static method in class cern.colt.Version
Returns the micro version of this release.
getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() - Method in class hep.aida.bin.DynamicBin1D
Returns Integer.MIN_VALUE, the minimum order k for which sums of powers are retrievable.
getMinOrderForSumOfPowers() - Method in class hep.aida.bin.MightyStaticBin1D
Returns the minimum order k for which sums of powers are retrievable, as specified upon instance construction.
getMinorVersion() - Static method in class cern.colt.Version
Returns the minor version of this release.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, DoubleArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, DoubleArrayList, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, IntArrayList, DoubleArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, IntArrayList, IntArrayList, DoubleArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix3D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, ObjectArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix1D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, IntArrayList, ObjectArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getNonZeros(IntArrayList, IntArrayList, IntArrayList, ObjectArrayList) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix3D
Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
getPivot() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecomposition
Returns a copy of the pivot permutation vector.
getPivot() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecompositionQuick
Returns the pivot permutation vector (not a copy of it).
getQ() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.QRDecomposition
Generates and returns the (economy-sized) orthogonal factor Q.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.bitvector.BitMatrix
Returns from the receiver the value of the bit at the specified coordinate; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.bitvector.BitVector
Returns from the bitvector the value of the bit with the specified index; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.BooleanArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ByteArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.CharArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.DistinctNumberList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.FloatArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.IntArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.LongArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.MinMaxNumberList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ObjectArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.list.ShortArrayList
Returns the element at the specified position in the receiver; WARNING: Does not check preconditions.
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseObjectMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseObjectMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseObjectMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.RCDoubleMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getQuick(int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseObjectMatrix1D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate index.
getQuick(int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseObjectMatrix2D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [row,column].
getQuick(int, int, int) - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseObjectMatrix3D
Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate [slice,row,column].
getR() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.QRDecomposition
Returns the upper triangular factor, R.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class cern.jet.random.sampling.RandomSamplingAssistant
Returns the used random generator.
getRealEigenvalues() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.EigenvalueDecomposition
Returns the real parts of the eigenvalues.
getS() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the diagonal matrix of singular values.
getSeedAtRowColumn(int, int) - Static method in class cern.jet.random.engine.RandomSeedTable
Returns a deterministic seed from a (seemingly gigantic) matrix of predefined seeds.
getSingularValues() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the diagonal of S, which is a one-dimensional array of singular values
getU() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecomposition
Returns the upper triangular factor, U.
getU() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.LUDecompositionQuick
Returns the upper triangular factor, U.
getU() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the left singular vectors U.
getV() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.EigenvalueDecomposition
Returns the eigenvector matrix, V
getV() - Method in class cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
Returns the right singular vectors V.
getWeight() - Method in class cern.jet.random.sampling.WeightedRandomSampler
Not yet commented.
gigaelectronvolt - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
gram - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
gray - Static variable in class cern.clhep.Units
greater(DoubleMatrix2D, double) - Static method in class cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.Transform
Deprecated. A[row,col] = A[row,col] > s ? 1 : 0.
greater(DoubleMatrix2D, DoubleMatrix2D) - Static method in class cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo.Transform
Deprecated. A[row,col] = A[row,col] > B[row,col] ? 1 : 0.
greater - Static variable in class cern.jet.math.Functions
Function that returns a > b ? 1 : 0.
greater(double) - Static method in class cern.jet.math.Functions
Constructs a function that returns a > b ? 1 : 0.

Colt 1.2.0
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