Colt 1.2.0

Uses of Package

Packages that use cern.colt
cern.colt Core base classes; Operations on primitive arrays such as sorting, partitioning and permuting. 
cern.colt.bitvector Bit vectors and bit matrices. 
cern.colt.buffer Fixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffers connected to a target objects to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow. 
cern.colt.list Resizable lists holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc. Automatically growing and shrinking maps holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc. 
cern.colt.matrix Matrix interfaces and factories; efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2, 3 and d-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc; Templated, fixed sized (not dynamically resizable); Also known as multi-dimensional arrays or Data Cubes
cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo Double matrix algorithms such as print formatting, sorting, partitioning and statistics. 
cern.colt.matrix.impl Matrix implementations; You normally need not look at this package, because all concrete classes implement the abstract interfaces of cern.colt.matrix, without subsetting or supersetting
cern.colt.matrix.linalg Linear Algebraic matrix computations operating on DoubleMatrix2D and DoubleMatrix1D
cern.jet.random Large variety of probability distributions featuring high performance generation of random numbers, CDF's and PDF's. 
cern.jet.random.engine Engines generating strong uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers; Needed by all JET probability distributions since they rely on uniform random numbers to generate random numbers from their own distribution. 
cern.jet.random.sampling Samples (picks) random subsets of data sequences. 
cern.jet.stat.quantile Scalable algorithms and data structures to compute approximate quantiles over very large data sequences. 
hep.aida.bin Multisets (bags) with efficient statistics operations defined upon; This package requires the Colt distribution. 

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.
          Interface for an object that knows how to swap elements at two positions (a,b).
          A handy stopwatch for benchmarking.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.bitvector
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.buffer
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.list
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.matrix
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.matrix.impl
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.colt.matrix.linalg
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.jet.random
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.jet.random.engine
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.jet.random.sampling
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by cern.jet.stat.quantile
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Classes in cern.colt used by hep.aida.bin
          This empty class is the common root for all persistent capable classes.

Colt 1.2.0

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