Colt 1.2.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFloatList
cern.colt.list Resizable lists holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc. 
cern.colt.list.adapter List adapters that make Colt lists compatible with the JDK 1.2 Collections Framework. 

Uses of AbstractFloatList in cern.colt.list

Subclasses of AbstractFloatList in cern.colt.list
 class FloatArrayList
          Resizable list holding float elements; implemented with arrays.

Methods in cern.colt.list that return AbstractFloatList
 AbstractFloatList FloatArrayList.elements(float[] elements)
          Sets the receiver's elements to be the specified array (not a copy of it).
 AbstractFloatList FloatArrayList.partFromTo(int from, int to)
          Returns a new list of the part of the receiver between from, inclusive, and to, inclusive.
 AbstractFloatList AbstractFloatList.elements(float[] elements)
          Sets the receiver's elements to be the specified array.
 AbstractFloatList AbstractFloatList.partFromTo(int from, int to)
          Returns a new list of the part of the receiver between from, inclusive, and to, inclusive.
 AbstractFloatList AbstractFloatList.times(int times)
          Returns a list which is a concatenation of times times the receiver.

Methods in cern.colt.list with parameters of type AbstractFloatList
 boolean FloatArrayList.removeAll(AbstractFloatList other)
          Removes from the receiver all elements that are contained in the specified list.
 void FloatArrayList.replaceFromToWithFrom(int from, int to, AbstractFloatList other, int otherFrom)
          Replaces a number of elements in the receiver with the same number of elements of another list.
 boolean FloatArrayList.retainAll(AbstractFloatList other)
          Retains (keeps) only the elements in the receiver that are contained in the specified other list.
 void AbstractFloatList.addAllOfFromTo(AbstractFloatList other, int from, int to)
          Appends the part of the specified list between from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 void AbstractFloatList.beforeInsertAllOfFromTo(int index, AbstractFloatList other, int from, int to)
          Inserts the part of the specified list between otherFrom (inclusive) and otherTo (inclusive) before the specified position into the receiver.
 boolean AbstractFloatList.removeAll(AbstractFloatList other)
          Removes from the receiver all elements that are contained in the specified list.
 void AbstractFloatList.replaceFromToWithFrom(int from, int to, AbstractFloatList other, int otherFrom)
          Replaces a number of elements in the receiver with the same number of elements of another list.
 void AbstractFloatList.replaceFromToWithFromTo(int from, int to, AbstractFloatList other, int otherFrom, int otherTo)
          Replaces the part between from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) with the other list's part between otherFrom and otherTo.
 boolean AbstractFloatList.retainAll(AbstractFloatList other)
          Retains (keeps) only the elements in the receiver that are contained in the specified other list.

Uses of AbstractFloatList in cern.colt.list.adapter

Constructors in cern.colt.list.adapter with parameters of type AbstractFloatList
FloatListAdapter(AbstractFloatList content)
          Constructs a list backed by the specified content list.

Colt 1.2.0

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