Download Akenti code

The Akenti Authorization Service code has been written by members of the Distributed Security Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This code is distributed under the following BSD-style license. The code uses a number of open source packages as itemized below.

This code is provided as a professional academic contribution for joint exchange. Thus it is experimental, is provided ``as is'', with no warranties of any kind whatsoever, no support, promise of updates, or printed documentation. The Regents of the University of California shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights by this code, or any part thereof.


For more information about the Akenti project and code see

See Installing binaries or Installing sources for brief installation instructions or to understand how to configure an akenti system.

If you have any questions about installing or using this code contact

Recent changes are documented in the release notes.

Packages in releases 1.5 and 1.6

status - last updated:05/20/14

The generated documentation of all the classes in included in the binary releases and should be generated in the src releases. There are also overview documents included in all releases.

The release is separated by language as well as by source and binaries. We provide binaries for Linux RedHat 9 and Solaris 2.7 built with the g++ 3.2.2 compiler and java 1.4.2. Each Akenti package includes an example resource tree with instructions on how to install it, so that you can experiment with our tools before ceating your own resource tree. We depend on openldap 2.1.21, cppunit 1.9.11, xerces-c 2.5.0 and openssl 0.9.7. You can get these from their distributers, or you can download the libraries that we build against for Linux RedHat 9 or Solaris 2.7 from us in our 3rdparty packages.

The Java package contains the three old certificate generators and a new experimental unified AkentiCertificateManager GUI which will generate all three certificates. It is now the recommended way to generate certificates. We would appreciate any feed back on the new GUI.

The C++ source package inlcudes mod_akenti, an Apache authorization module that can be built to work with either Apache 1.3 or 2.0.

Version 1.6 (9/20/2004)
Version 1.5 (8/9/2004
Source Code

   C code
Akenti 1.6b (2.3M)
Akenti 1.5 (2.3M)
   Java code
Akenti 1.6 ( 2.3M)
Akenti 1.5 ( 2.2M)

   C linux redhat9
Akenti 1-6b C-bin-linux gcc 2.3 (2.9M)
Akenti 1.5 C-bin-linux gcc 2.3 (2.9M)
   C solaris 7
Akenti 1-6 C-bin-solaris gcc 2.3
Akenti 1.5 C-bin-solaris gcc 2.3 (3.2M)
   C FreeBSD

Akenti 1-6 Java-bin (2.8M)
Akenti 1.5 Java-bin (3.4M)
3rd-party binaries

    C linux
3rdparty C libraries-linux (11.2M)
3rdparty C libaries-linux (11.2M)
    C solaris
3rdparty C libaries-solaris (10.4M)
3rdparty C libaries-solaris (10.4M)
3rdparty Java packages (7.1M)
3rdparty-java packages (6.8M)

Description of packages in release 1.4


The source distribution contains the sources and Makefiles for the Akenti libraries, some simple tools that allow you to create, verify and sign certificates, some supporting servers (written in Java) and a Java GUI to create UseCondition and Attribute certificates. It also includes a sample resource tree and some identity certificates and XML Akenti certificates. In order to build these files you will need the following C open source packages: and the following Java packages:


The binary distribution contains Akenti libraries, openssl, openldap, xerces-c, some simple command-line tools, the Java GUI certificate generators, some supporting Java servers and some sample configuration files. This is what you need to start with to add Akenti authorization to your own applications.

Certificate Generators

Certificate Generators files, with or without jre are intended for client site, who only wish to create certificates. If you have downloaded the complete binaries you already have these files. If you have a version of Java 1.3, or 1.4, you do not need to download the jre from us. Unzip and run the, or scripts to create UseConditions, Attribute certificates or Policy certificates.

Code packages

  Version 1.4 11/03/03 Version 1.3 4/23/03
Source code Akenti 1.4 (4.2M) Akenti 1.3i (.9M)
    RedHat 7.2, gcc 2.96 AK1.4-lib-bin.linux-gcc2 (46M)
includes openssl-0.9.7b, openldap-2.1.21, xerces-c-2.3.0
includes openssl-0.9.7a, openldap-2.0.15, xerces-c-2.0.0
    RedHat 9.0, gcc 3.2 AK1.4-lib-bin.linux-gcc3 (53M) not available
    Solaris 7, gcc 3.2 AK1.4-lib-bin.sun-sol-gcc3 (26M) not available
Certificate Generators
    Generators without jre AK1.4-AkGen-jre (4M) AK1.3-AkGen-jre (1.7M)
    Generators + Solaris jre AK1.4-AkGen.sun-sol-gcc3 (26M) AK1.3-AkGeni.sun-sol-gcc (12.5M)
    Generators + Redhat 7.2 jre AK1.4-AkGen.linux-gcc2 (26M) AK1.3-AkGen.linux-gcc2 (31M)
    Generators + Redhat 9.0 jre AK1.4-AkGen.linux-gcc3 (26M) not available

Other Akenti packages

Globus® Jobmanger Akenti integration

The Globus Jobmanager has been modified by the Globus developers at ANL to call out to an external policy decision point for authorization of requested actions. We have added a callout module that interfaces this call to Akenti. The Jobmanger is a derivitive of globus_gram_job_manager-3.10 which is somewhere between Globus releases 2.2.4 and 2.4. The Akenti code is from AK1.4.

See the following link for instructions and code downloads. [an error occurred while processing this directive]