Sea 0.4.0

Package gov.lbl.dsd.sea.nio.util

Various convenient utilities.


Class Summary
ArrayByteList Efficient resizable auto-expanding list holding byte elements; implemented with arrays.
ArrayIntList Efficient resizable auto-expanding list holding int elements; implemented with arrays.
ByteArrayPool Simple fixed-size thread-safe pool for recycling byte arrays.
ByteBufferPool Efficient thread-safe pool of ByteBuffers for high performance NIO applications.
ByteConverter Efficient big endian array conversions for high performance I/O through bulk data transfer rather than piece-wise transfer.
COBSCodec Encoder/Decoder implementing Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) for efficient, reliable, unambigous packet framing regardless of packet content, making it is easy for applications to recover from malformed packet payloads.
ColorConsoleAppender Log4J Appender which prints to System.out and shows different log levels in different colors; very useful for effectively sieving through large number of log messages.
ExtendedProperties This class extends normal Java properties by adding the possibility to use the same key many times concatenating the value strings instead of overwriting them.
NioUtil Various utilities related to the java.nio package.
SocketOpts Convenience class to get and set socket options; see SocketOptions and Socketfor the corresponding keys and values.
UUIDUtil Utilities to create Universally Unique Identifiers as defined by IETF standards.

Package gov.lbl.dsd.sea.nio.util Description

Various convenient utilities.

Sea 0.4.0