Nux 1.6

Package nux.xom.pool

Efficient and flexible pools and factories for Documents, XQueries, and XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc.


Interface Summary
DocumentURIResolver Called by the XQuery processor to turn a URI passed to the XQuery doc() function into a XOM Document object.
ResourceResolver Returns an input stream for a given named resource, for example a path or URL or some other form of identifier.

Class Summary
BuilderFactory Creates and returns new Builder objects that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron or do not validate at all (thread-safe).
BuilderPool Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XOM Builder objects, creating and holding zero or more Builders per thread.
DocumentFactory Creates and returns new Document objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
DocumentMap Efficient compact thread-safe main memory cache map of XOM XML Document objects; for example used by DocumentPool; Pool eviction is based on a LRU (least recently used) policy as defined by a tunable PoolConfig configuration.
DocumentPool Efficient compact thread-safe pool/cache of XOM XML Document objects, storing documents in a DocumentMap.
FileUtil Various file related utilities.
FullTextUtil Thread-safe XQuery/XPath fulltext search utilities; implemented with the Lucene engine and a custom high-performance adapter for on-the-fly main memory indexing with smart caching for indexes, queries and results.
PoolConfig Set of tunable configuration parameters for DocumentMap and cousins.
XOMUtil Various utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
XOMUtil.Normalizer Standard XML algorithms for text and whitespace normalization (but not for Unicode normalization); type safe enum.
XQueryFactory Creates and returns new XQuery objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
XQueryPool Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XQuery objects, creating and holding at most maxEntries XQuery objects (each representing a compiled query).
XSLTransformFactory Creates and returns new XSLTransform objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe).
XSLTransformPool Efficient thread-safe pool/cache of XOM XSLTransform objects, creating and holding at most maxEntries XSLTransform objects (each representing a compiled stylesheet).

Package nux.xom.pool Description

Efficient and flexible pools and factories for Documents, XQueries, and XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc.

Nux 1.6