Firefish 0.5.10

Package gov.lbl.dsd.firefish

Core firefish classes.


Class Summary
Async2SyncAdapter A handler that converts from asynchronous to synchronous handling.
Configuration Allows to retrieve global configuration options.
DBEventHandler A simple async database backend.
DBMsgHandler A simple synchronous database backend.
Event An event is handed from one stage to the input queue of another stage; it contains a message and the stage from which the event originates.
EventHandler The abstract base class of all asynchronous event handlers.
ForwardingEventHandler No documentation written yet.
FutureResponse A response to a request that a synchronous client can wait for in a blocking manner.
GrepTool Convenience tools for evaluating a regular expression.
MsgHandler The abstract base class of all synchronous handlers.
QueryEngine Convenience tools for evaluating various types of queries.
SingleRouterEventHandler No documentation written yet.
SQLTool Convenience tools for evaluating a SQL query.
Stage The firefish system is architected according to the principles of the Stage Event Driven Architecture (SEDA) described in SEDA Architecture and SEDA Homepage .
Sync2AsyncAdapter A handler that converts from synchronous to asynchronous handling.
Transaction A transaction is a sequence of message exchanges for a given query; At any given time it is either in state TransactionState.UNKNOWN, TransactionState.OPEN or TransactionState.CLOSED.
TransactionState A type safe enum indicating the current state of a given transaction.
TransactionTable A state table keeping track of information about the currently open and closed transactions.
XPathTool Convenience tools for evaluating an XPath query.
XQueryTool Convenience tools for evaluating an XQuery.

Package gov.lbl.dsd.firefish Description

Core firefish classes.

Firefish 0.5.10

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