Colt 1.2.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use DoubleArrayList
cern.colt Core base classes; Operations on primitive arrays such as sorting, partitioning and permuting. 
cern.colt.buffer Fixed sized (non resizable) streaming buffers connected to a target objects to which data is automatically flushed upon buffer overflow. 
cern.colt.list Resizable lists holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc. Automatically growing and shrinking maps holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc. 
cern.colt.matrix Matrix interfaces and factories; efficient and flexible dense and sparse 1, 2, 3 and d-dimensional matrices holding objects or primitive data types such as int, double, etc; Templated, fixed sized (not dynamically resizable); Also known as multi-dimensional arrays or Data Cubes
cern.jet.stat Tools for basic and advanced statistics: Estimators, Gamma functions, Beta functions, Probabilities, Special integrals, etc. 
cern.jet.stat.quantile Scalable algorithms and data structures to compute approximate quantiles over very large data sequences. 
hep.aida.bin Multisets (bags) with efficient statistics operations defined upon; This package requires the Colt distribution. 

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.colt

Methods in cern.colt with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
static void Partitioning.partition(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to, DoubleArrayList splitters, IntArrayList splitIndexes)
          Equivalent to partition(list.elements(), from, to, splitters.elements(), 0, splitters.size()-1, splitIndexes.elements()).

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.colt.buffer

Methods in cern.colt.buffer with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void DoubleBufferConsumer.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList list)
          Adds all elements of the specified list to the receiver.
 void DoubleBuffer3DConsumer.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList x, DoubleArrayList y, DoubleArrayList z)
          Adds all specified (x,y,z) points to the receiver.
 void DoubleBuffer3D.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList xElements, DoubleArrayList yElements, DoubleArrayList zElements)
          Adds all specified (x,y,z) points to the receiver.
 void DoubleBuffer2DConsumer.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList x, DoubleArrayList y)
          Adds all specified (x,y) points to the receiver.
 void DoubleBuffer2D.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList x, DoubleArrayList y)
          Adds all specified points (x,y) to the receiver.
 void DoubleBuffer.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList list)
          Adds all elements of the specified list to the receiver.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.colt.list

Methods in cern.colt.list that return DoubleArrayList
 DoubleArrayList DoubleArrayList.copy()
          Returns a deep copy of the receiver; uses clone() and casts the result.

Methods in cern.colt.list with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void AbstractDoubleList.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList other)
          Appends all elements of the specified list to the receiver.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in

Methods in that return DoubleArrayList
 DoubleArrayList AbstractIntDoubleMap.values()
          Returns a list filled with all values contained in the receiver.
 DoubleArrayList AbstractDoubleIntMap.keys()
          Returns a list filled with all keys contained in the receiver.

Methods in with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void OpenIntDoubleHashMap.pairsMatching(IntDoubleProcedure condition, IntArrayList keyList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.
 void OpenIntDoubleHashMap.values(DoubleArrayList list)
          Fills all values contained in the receiver into the specified list.
 void OpenDoubleIntHashMap.keys(DoubleArrayList list)
          Fills all keys contained in the receiver into the specified list.
 void OpenDoubleIntHashMap.pairsMatching(DoubleIntProcedure condition, DoubleArrayList keyList, IntArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.
 void AbstractIntDoubleMap.pairsMatching(IntDoubleProcedure condition, IntArrayList keyList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.
 void AbstractIntDoubleMap.pairsSortedByKey(IntArrayList keyList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills all keys and values sorted ascending by key into the specified lists.
 void AbstractIntDoubleMap.pairsSortedByValue(IntArrayList keyList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills all keys and values sorted ascending by value into the specified lists.
 void AbstractIntDoubleMap.values(DoubleArrayList list)
          Fills all values contained in the receiver into the specified list.
 void AbstractDoubleIntMap.keys(DoubleArrayList list)
          Fills all keys contained in the receiver into the specified list.
 void AbstractDoubleIntMap.keysSortedByValue(DoubleArrayList keyList)
          Fills all keys sorted ascending by their associated value into the specified list.
 void AbstractDoubleIntMap.pairsMatching(DoubleIntProcedure condition, DoubleArrayList keyList, IntArrayList valueList)
          Fills all pairs satisfying a given condition into the specified lists.
 void AbstractDoubleIntMap.pairsSortedByKey(DoubleArrayList keyList, IntArrayList valueList)
          Fills all keys and values sorted ascending by key into the specified lists.
 void AbstractDoubleIntMap.pairsSortedByValue(DoubleArrayList keyList, IntArrayList valueList)
          Fills all keys and values sorted ascending by value into the specified lists.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.colt.matrix

Methods in cern.colt.matrix that return DoubleArrayList
 DoubleArrayList DoubleFactory1D.toList(DoubleMatrix1D values)
          Constructs a list from the given matrix.

Methods in cern.colt.matrix with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void DoubleMatrix3D.getNonZeros(IntArrayList sliceList, IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
 void DoubleMatrix2D.getNonZeros(IntArrayList rowList, IntArrayList columnList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
 void DoubleMatrix1D.getNonZeros(IntArrayList indexList, DoubleArrayList valueList)
          Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.
 void DoubleMatrix1D.getNonZeros(IntArrayList indexList, DoubleArrayList valueList, int maxCardinality)
          Fills the coordinates and values of cells having non-zero values into the specified lists.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.jet.stat

Methods in cern.jet.stat that return DoubleArrayList
static DoubleArrayList Descriptive.quantiles(DoubleArrayList sortedData, DoubleArrayList percentages)
          Returns the quantiles of the specified percentages.
static DoubleArrayList[] Descriptive.split(DoubleArrayList sortedList, DoubleArrayList splitters)
          Splits (partitions) a list into sublists such that each sublist contains the elements with a given range.

Methods in cern.jet.stat with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
static double Descriptive.autoCorrelation(DoubleArrayList data, int lag, double mean, double variance)
          Returns the auto-correlation of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.correlation(DoubleArrayList data1, double standardDev1, DoubleArrayList data2, double standardDev2)
          Returns the correlation of two data sequences.
static double Descriptive.covariance(DoubleArrayList data1, DoubleArrayList data2)
          Returns the covariance of two data sequences, which is cov(x,y) = (1/(size()-1)) * Sum((x[i]-mean(x)) * (y[i]-mean(y))).
static double Descriptive.durbinWatson(DoubleArrayList data)
          Durbin-Watson computation.
static void Descriptive.frequencies(DoubleArrayList sortedData, DoubleArrayList distinctValues, IntArrayList frequencies)
          Computes the frequency (number of occurances, count) of each distinct value in the given sorted data.
static double Descriptive.geometricMean(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the geometric mean of a data sequence.
static void Descriptive.incrementalUpdate(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to, double[] inOut)
          Incrementally maintains and updates minimum, maximum, sum and sum of squares of a data sequence.
static void Descriptive.incrementalUpdateSumsOfPowers(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to, int fromSumIndex, int toSumIndex, double[] sumOfPowers)
          Incrementally maintains and updates various sums of powers of the form Sum(data[i]k).
static void Descriptive.incrementalWeightedUpdate(DoubleArrayList data, DoubleArrayList weights, int from, int to, double[] inOut)
          Incrementally maintains and updates sum and sum of squares of a weighted data sequence.
static double Descriptive.kurtosis(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation)
          Returns the kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence, which is -3 + moment(data,4,mean) / standardDeviation4.
static double Descriptive.lag1(DoubleArrayList data, double mean)
          Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation of a dataset; Note that this method has semantics different from autoCorrelation(..., 1);
static double Descriptive.max(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the largest member of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.mean(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the arithmetic mean of a data sequence; That is Sum( data[i] ) / data.size().
static double Descriptive.meanDeviation(DoubleArrayList data, double mean)
          Returns the mean deviation of a dataset.
static double Descriptive.median(DoubleArrayList sortedData)
          Returns the median of a sorted data sequence.
static double Descriptive.min(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the smallest member of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.moment(DoubleArrayList data, int k, double c)
          Returns the moment of k-th order with constant c of a data sequence, which is Sum( (data[i]-c)k ) / data.size().
static double Descriptive.product(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the product of a data sequence, which is Prod( data[i] ).
static double Descriptive.quantile(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double phi)
          Returns the phi-quantile; that is, an element elem for which holds that phi percent of data elements are less than elem.
static double Descriptive.quantileInverse(DoubleArrayList sortedList, double element)
          Returns how many percent of the elements contained in the receiver are <= element.
static DoubleArrayList Descriptive.quantiles(DoubleArrayList sortedData, DoubleArrayList percentages)
          Returns the quantiles of the specified percentages.
static double Descriptive.rankInterpolated(DoubleArrayList sortedList, double element)
          Returns the linearly interpolated number of elements in a list less or equal to a given element.
static double Descriptive.sampleKurtosis(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double sampleVariance)
          Returns the sample kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.sampleSkew(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double sampleVariance)
          Returns the sample skew of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.sampleVariance(DoubleArrayList data, double mean)
          Returns the sample variance of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.skew(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation)
          Returns the skew of a data sequence, which is moment(data,3,mean) / standardDeviation3.
static DoubleArrayList[] Descriptive.split(DoubleArrayList sortedList, DoubleArrayList splitters)
          Splits (partitions) a list into sublists such that each sublist contains the elements with a given range.
static void Descriptive.standardize(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation)
          Modifies a data sequence to be standardized.
static double Descriptive.sum(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the sum of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.sumOfInversions(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to)
          Returns the sum of inversions of a data sequence, which is Sum( 1.0 / data[i]).
static double Descriptive.sumOfLogarithms(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to)
          Returns the sum of logarithms of a data sequence, which is Sum( Log(data[i]).
static double Descriptive.sumOfPowerDeviations(DoubleArrayList data, int k, double c)
          Returns Sum( (data[i]-c)k ); optimized for common parameters like c == 0.0 and/or k == -2 ..
static double Descriptive.sumOfPowerDeviations(DoubleArrayList data, int k, double c, int from, int to)
          Returns Sum( (data[i]-c)k ) for all i = from ..
static double Descriptive.sumOfPowers(DoubleArrayList data, int k)
          Returns the sum of powers of a data sequence, which is Sum ( data[i]k ).
static double Descriptive.sumOfSquares(DoubleArrayList data)
          Returns the sum of squares of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.trimmedMean(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double mean, int left, int right)
          Returns the trimmed mean of a sorted data sequence.
static double Descriptive.weightedMean(DoubleArrayList data, DoubleArrayList weights)
          Returns the weighted mean of a data sequence.
static double Descriptive.winsorizedMean(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double mean, int left, int right)
          Returns the winsorized mean of a sorted data sequence.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in cern.jet.stat.quantile

Methods in cern.jet.stat.quantile that return DoubleArrayList
static DoubleArrayList QuantileFinderFactory.newEquiDepthPhis(int quantiles)
          Convenience method that computes phi's for equi-depth histograms.
 DoubleArrayList DoubleQuantileFinder.quantileElements(DoubleArrayList phis)
          Computes the specified quantile elements over the values previously added.

Methods in cern.jet.stat.quantile with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void DoubleQuantileFinder.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList values)
          Adds all values of the specified list to the receiver.
 void DoubleQuantileFinder.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList values, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 DoubleArrayList DoubleQuantileFinder.quantileElements(DoubleArrayList phis)
          Computes the specified quantile elements over the values previously added.

Uses of DoubleArrayList in hep.aida.bin

Methods in hep.aida.bin that return DoubleArrayList
 DoubleArrayList QuantileBin1D.quantiles(DoubleArrayList phis)
          Returns the quantiles of the specified percentages.
 DoubleArrayList DynamicBin1D.elements()
          Returns a copy of the currently stored elements.
 DoubleArrayList DynamicBin1D.quantiles(DoubleArrayList percentages)
          Returns the exact quantiles of the specified percentages.
 DoubleArrayList DynamicBin1D.sortedElements()
          Returns a copy of the currently stored elements, sorted ascending.

Methods in hep.aida.bin with parameters of type DoubleArrayList
 void StaticBin1D.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 void QuantileBin1D.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 DoubleArrayList QuantileBin1D.quantiles(DoubleArrayList phis)
          Returns the quantiles of the specified percentages.
 MightyStaticBin1D[] QuantileBin1D.splitApproximately(DoubleArrayList percentages, int k)
          Divides (rebins) a copy of the receiver at the given percentage boundaries into bins and returns these bins, such that each bin approximately reflects the data elements of its range.
 void MightyStaticBin1D.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 void DynamicBin1D.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.
 void DynamicBin1D.frequencies(DoubleArrayList distinctElements, IntArrayList frequencies)
          Computes the frequency (number of occurances, count) of each distinct element.
 DoubleArrayList DynamicBin1D.quantiles(DoubleArrayList percentages)
          Returns the exact quantiles of the specified percentages.
 boolean DynamicBin1D.removeAllOf(DoubleArrayList list)
          Removes from the receiver all elements that are contained in the specified list.
 void AbstractBin1D.addAllOf(DoubleArrayList list)
          Adds all values of the specified list to the receiver.
 void AbstractBin1D.addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList list, int from, int to)
          Adds the part of the specified list between indexes from (inclusive) and to (inclusive) to the receiver.

Colt 1.2.0

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