Building In Your Work Area
Running lblnettest

Building In Your Work Area

Edit the top section of in the nettest/src directory.

1)  SSLTOP variable points to the top of your openssl installation.
      Currently I use openssl-0.9.6
        eg.  SSLTOP="/usr/local/openssl"
2)  SRCTOP variable points to the nettest/src/ directory
        eg.  SRCTOP="/home/g3/users/boverhof/nettest/src"
3)  NETLOGLIB variable points to location of netlogger libraries (libnetlogger.a).
      This variable needs to be set in for each platform.
           eg.  NETLOGLIB="-L/home/g3/users/boverhof/NetLogger/SOLARIS_5.7/lib"
           eg.  NETLOGLIB="-L/home/g3/users/boverhof/NetLogger/LINUX/lib"

Run autoconf (/usr/local/bin/autoconf) in nettest/src to build a configure script from

Platform names are defined in as arch_dir and are:
        sun-sol-gcc, sun-sol, linux, freebsd.

cd to your platforms build directory run the configure script from there
eg. %cd ../build/sun-sol;             ../../src/configure
eg. %cd ../build/sun-sol-gcc;   ../../src/configure  --with-gcc
eg. %cd ../build/linux;                   ../../src/configure  --with-gcc

This will build Makefile files from files for all the subdirectories
 in your source. You can setenv CONFIG_FILES to just the directories that you
 currently want to build to save some time with configure.

Configure Iperf:  Iperf has its own configure files.  To configure iperf go to the
 nettest/build/<platform>/iperf/  directory and do a "make config".  Make sure
 to be consistent with your choice of compilers.  The iperf configure script
will ask you a series of questions.  Within build/sun-sol choose cc and CC,
for build/sun-sol-gcc/  and build/linux/ choose gcc and g++.

 %cd ~/nettest/build/l<platform>/iperf/
 %make config

Now you can build nettest

%cd  ~/nettest/build/<platform>
%make all

or build iperf from the iperf/ directory

%cd ~/nettest/build/l<platform>/iperf
%make iperf

The executables will be placed in the nettest/release directory.  If you are making nettest and iperf
executables do a "make clean" inside of the iperf/ folder when switching from one to the other.

%cd ~/nettest/build/linux/
%make all
%cd ~/nettest/build/linux/iperf
%make clean
%make iperf

I've had problems with the bool check, if the process hangs here remove DAST_CHECK_BOOL
from ~/nettest/build/<platform>/iperf/cfg/ and do another "make config".

If you are building a library that you want to use for other packages,
you need to do a make libinstall as well. This will copy libraries and
include files into your local release area ~/nettest/release/<platform>
where they will overide ones from the master release area.

Running lblnettest

In order to run the lblnettest executable you must have a few files in place.  The server side application
uses the files "nettest.pem" and "key.pem" for as its SSL certificate and key.

%lblnettest -s

The client side will use a different certificate and key, these are specified on the command line.
The client's key should be encrypted, thus requiring a passphrase for the establishment of an
SSL connection.

%lblnettest -h -c client.cert -k client.key

The "CA.pem" file must contain an entry for these certificate/key pairs.

The "ACLFile" must contain an entry for the client who is trying to establish the connect.

More details on generating these certificates and the ACLFile can be found in the
Generating/using OpenSSl certificates help page.
Starting the Master and Requestor
bov@snidely(131)%lblnettest -h scott -c client.pem -k client.key
Opening connect to netlog message server host snidely, port 14830
connect: Connection refused
NetLoggerOpen(); NetLogOpen failed
Enter Your Passphrase: 

   Reporting Results 
        By default results are printed on the screen 
        and NetLogger recording is disabled 


Enter [y] to specify test output or return [] for defaults:

  Iperf  Netlogger output:  0
         print     output:  1
  Ping   Netlogger output:  0
         print     output:  1

Select an option
        p = udp connectivity and round trip time
        m = multicast connectivity and round trip time
        i = tcp throughput (iperf test)
        t = tuned tcp (determine optimal tcp parameters)
        s = connect a new server host
        o = change Requestor's result reporting(printing, Netlogging)
        q = quit

bov@scott(12)%lblnettest -s
Opening connect to netlog message server host, port 14830
connect: Connection refused
NetLoggerOpen(); NetLogOpen failed
Enter Your Passphrase:

   Reporting Results
        By default results are printed on the screen
        and NetLogger recording is disabled


Enter [y] to specify test output or return [] for defaults:

  Iperf  Netlogger output:  0
         print     output:  1
  Ping   Netlogger output:  0
         print     output:  1

### Ready to receive a request


EXAMPLES: Request a Test

Select an option
        p = udp connectivity and round trip time
        m = multicast connectivity and round trip time
        i = tcp throughput (iperf test)
        t = tuned tcp (determine optimal tcp parameters)
        s = connect a new server host
        o = change Requestor's result reporting(printing, Netlogging)
        q = quit

udp connectivity and round trip time

multicast connectivity and round trip time

tcp throughput (iperf test)

tuned tcp (determine optimal tcp parameters)

connect a new server host

change Requestor's result reporting(printing, Netlogging)


Starting the Master and Requestor