001    /*
002     * Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through
003     * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
004     * approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
005     */
006    package gov.lbl.dsd.sea.nio.auth;
008    import java.net.InetAddress;
010    /**
011     * Allow/deny rule-based mechanism to configure and query whether or not a given
012     * host is allowed to perform a certain action.
013     * <p>
014     * Via {@link SmartHostAuthorizationRules} supports allow and deny rules based
015     * on exact or patterned DNS host names, exact or patterned IP addresses, as
016     * well as regular expressions on "hostName/IPaddress" pairs.
017     * 
018     * @author whoschek@lbl.gov
019     * @author $Author: hoschek3 $
020     * @version $Revision: 1.5 $, $Date: 2004/06/29 00:47:03 $
021     */
022    public class SmartHostAuthorizer implements HostAuthorizer, java.io.Serializable {
024            private boolean allowBeforeDeny;           // allow-deny or deny-allow order
025            private HostAuthorizationRules allowRules; // the rules used for allow checks
026            private HostAuthorizationRules denyRules;  // the rules used for deny checks
028            private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(SmartHostAuthorizer.class);
030            /**
031             * Creates an authorizer with the given parameters.
032             * 
033             * @param allowBeforeDeny apply allow rules before deny rules, or deny rules before allow rules?
034             * @param allowRules the rules used for allow checks
035             * @param denyRules the rules used for deny checks
036             */
037            public SmartHostAuthorizer(boolean allowBeforeDeny, HostAuthorizationRules allowRules, HostAuthorizationRules denyRules) {
038                    if (allowRules == null || denyRules == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("rule must not be null");
040                    this.allowBeforeDeny = allowBeforeDeny;
041                    this.allowRules = allowRules;
042                    this.denyRules = denyRules;
043            }
045            /**
046             * Creates a denying authorizer (isAllowed(x) returns false).
047             */
048            public SmartHostAuthorizer() {
049                    this(true,  new SmartHostAuthorizationRules(),  new SmartHostAuthorizationRules());
050            }
052            /** 
053             * Returns the rules used for allow checks.
054             */
055            public HostAuthorizationRules getAllowRules() {
056                    return this.allowRules;
057            }
059            /** 
060             * Returns the rules used for deny checks.
061             */
062            public HostAuthorizationRules getDenyRules() {
063                    return this.denyRules;
064            }
066            /**
067             * Returns whether or not the given host (aka InetAddress) is allowed to
068             * perform a certain action, depending on the current allow/deny rules.
069             * 
070             * @param address
071             *            the host attempting to be authorized
072             */
073            public boolean isAllowed(InetAddress address) {
074                    if (address == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("address must not be null");
076                    if (allowBeforeDeny) {
077                            return this.getAllowRules().isMatch(address) && 
078                                    (! this.getDenyRules().isMatch(address));
079                    }
080                    else {
081                            return (! this.getDenyRules().isMatch(address)) ||
082                                    this.getAllowRules().isMatch(address);
083                    }
084            }
086            public String toString() {
087                    return this.getClass().getName() + "[" + "allowRules="+getAllowRules() + ", denyRules="+getDenyRules() + "]";
088            }
090    }