A Scalable and Secure Peer-to-Peer
Information Sharing Tool
Collaboration Technologies Group
Distributed Systems Department
Computational Research Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Home Progress Reports People Publications and Presentations Software

Reporting period - This report covers work completed July 2004 - September 2004


Work on the scalable and secure peer-to-peer information sharing tool project focused on publicizing our work, updated releases of the implementation, and supporting our software user community.

Work on the security aspects focused on publishing and publicizing the work accomplished to date. We presented our published work at the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing.  We have also had preliminary conversations with a number of open source projects about possible collaborations related to this work.

In an effort to publicize our current work and our future vision we submitted two papers, presented a poster, and gave a presentation at the National Collaboratories program meeting. 

We have continued to provide updated releases of the implementation. The software is located at http://www.dsd.lbl.gov/scishare.  The updates have addressed bug reports (http://dsd.lbl.gov/bugzilla) and new features, such as:

A full list of the improvements and bug fixes in each of the releases can be found at http://dsd.lbl.gov/scishare/whatsnew.html.

In an effort to support our user community we have created a mailing list for our software users.  Information on joining the list and links to the archives can be found at http://dsd.lbl.gov/scishare/mail_archive/scishare-users.html.




Workshops, Conferences and Meetings

Future Plans 

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DSD Research | Computational Research Division | LBNL home page | Notice to Users

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Credits: A Scalable and Secure Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing Tool research and development is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division; Support Credits identify the funding sources and the organizational context of the work described in this document.