fire-xquery - Nux XQuery test tool with optional schema validation. Usage: fire-xquery [OPTION]... [FILE]... Option names can be abbreviated as long as they remain unambigous. Option cardinalities: '?' = 0..1, '*' = 0..N, '+' = 1..N, 'def' = default. Help options: ? --version Display the version of this program and exit. ? --help Print this help page and exit. Query options: + --query={STRING}|FILE The XQuery to execute. ? --base=FILE Resolve relative URIs found in the XQuery (def='.'). * --var=NAME:VALUE Pass external variables to XQuery (def=none). Output options: * --out=FILE|/dev/null File(s) to serialize to (def=stdout). ? --algo=w3c|wrap Result sequence serialization algorithm (def=w3c). ? --encoding=STRING Character encoding to serialize with (def=UTF-8). ? --indent=INT Insert prettyprint indentation; disable=0 (def=4). Validation options for input documents: ? --validate=wf|dtd|schema|relaxng|html Set validation language (def=wf). ? --schema=FILE e.g. foo.dtd|foo.xsd|foo.rng (def=undefined). ? --namespace=URI Namespace of schema (def=undefined). Misc options: ? --update={STRING}|FILE Apply update XQuery to each item in result sequence. ? --xinclude Perform W3C XInclude resolution on input files. ? --strip Remove whitespace-only text nodes from input files. ? --noexternal Disallow Java extension functions in XQuery. ? --filterpath=STRING Streaming path filter, e.g. '/a/b/c' (def=none). ? --filterquery={STRING}|FILE XQuery transforming each filter match (def=.). ? --debug Print full stack trace on exception. Benchmarking options: ? --runs=INT Repeat outer loop N times (def=1). ? --iterations=INT Repeat inner loop M times (def=1). ? --docpoolcapacity=INT Allow at most N MB memory for document pool (def=0). ? --docpoolcompression=-1..9 Use document ZLIB compression level (def=-1). ? --nobuilderpool Disable caching of SAX XMLReaders. ? --explain Print description of optimized XQuery plan. ? --xomxpath Use XOM's XPath engine instead of Nux's XPath engine. Examples: cd samples/data fire-xquery --query='{doc("periodic.xml")/PERIODIC_TABLE/ATOM[NAME="Zinc"]}' fire-xquery --query='{declare namespace atom = ""; doc("")/atom:feed/atom:entry/atom:title}' fire-xquery --query='{count(//*)}' *.xml fire-xquery --query='{count(//*)}' *.xml.bnux fire-xquery --algo=wrap --query='{//node(), //@*, "Hello World!"}' p2pio.xml fire-xquery --query=../xmark/q09.xq ../xmark/auction-0.01.xml --out=/tmp/results.out fire-xquery --var=x:2 --var=y:5 --query='{declare variable $x external; declare variable $y external; $x * $y}' fire-xquery --query='{/receive/timeout}' --update='{declare namespace system = "java:java.lang.System"; system:currentTimeMillis() + 10000}' p2pio.xml fire-xquery --xinclude --query='{.}' xinclude.xml fire-xquery --query=../fulltext/q2-06.xq ../fulltext/full-text.xml fire-xquery --validate=html --query='{//*:img/string(@src)}' ../../doc/index.html fire-xquery --query='{.}' --validate=relaxng --debug --schema=../data-atom/atom.rng ../data-atom/ongoing.xml fire-xquery --query='{.}' --validate=schema --namespace='' --schema=ns-order.xsd ns-order.xml fire-xquery --query='{declare namespace util = "java:nux.xom.pool.FileUtil"; {for $uri in util:listFiles("../shakespeare", false(), "*.xml", "") let $kills := count(saxon:discard-document(doc(string($uri)))//LINE[contains(., "kill")]) order by $kills return {$uri} {$kills} }}' fire-xquery --query='{.}' --validate=schema --namespace='' --schema=ns-order.xsd ns-order.xml --out=/dev/null --iter=0 --runs=100000 fire-xquery --query='{count(doc("periodic.xml")//*)}' --out=/dev/null --indent=0 --iter=5000 --runs=5 --docpoolcapacity=100 --explain