fire-sql-0.5.10 - Executes a SQL query against a JDBC database, optionally returning results as XML. Usage: fire-sql [OPTION]... [JDBCConnectionURL] Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. JDBCConnectionURL default='jdbc:mysql://localhost/demodb' Startup: -v, --version display the version of this program and exit. --help print this help and exit. SQL options: -q, --query=STRING|@FILE use STRING or FILE as SQL query. --noautocommit commit on last query; not each query (def=FALSE). --user=STRING JDBC user name (default --> --password=STRING JDBC password (default --> --driver=STRING JDBC driverclass (default --> -w, --wrap=TRUE|FALSE wrap results into XML elements (default=TRUE). Logging: -l, --loglevel=all|trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|off (default='info'). Benchmarking: -i, --iterations=INTEGER execute query times (default=1). Examples: fire-sql --query='CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS demodb' 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/' fire-sql --query='CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20), species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE)' 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/demodb' fire-sql --query="INSERT INTO demo VALUES ('bee','harold','2.00','f','1993-02-04',NULL), ('cat','snoopy','1.00','m','1994-02-04',NULL)" fire-sql --query='SELECT * FROM demo' fire-sql --query='DELETE FROM demo' fire-sql --query='DROP TABLE IF EXISTS demo' fire-sql --query='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS demodb' fire-sql --query='select * from demo' --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/demodb?user=root&password=changeit' fire-sql --query='select * from demo' --driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver 'jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@' fire-sql --query='select * from demo' --driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/demodb?user=root&password=changeit' fire-sql --query='select * from demo' --driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver 'jdbc:jtds:sybase://localhost/demodb?user=root&password=changeit' fire-sql --query='select * from demo' --driver=org.postgresql.Driver 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/demodb?user=root&password=changeit' fire-sql --query='DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS demodb' --query='CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS demodb' --query='CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demodb.demo (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20), species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE)' --query="INSERT INTO demodb.demo VALUES ('bee','harold','2.00','f','1993-02-04',NULL), ('cat','snoopy','1.00','m','1994-02-04',NULL)" --query='select * from demodb.demo' --user=root --password=changeit --wrap=false --loglevel=warn 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/' Mail bug reports and suggestions to